Sunday, August 23, 2009

Laptop protection firewall etc?

hi ,i keep getting reminders,that i have no firewall,or anti virus,is there a one i can download free,thank you

Laptop protection firewall etc?triumph

go to "" and type "firewalls" in search and download

Laptop protection firewall etc?worms

Windows has its own firewall,Look in control panel,And switch it on, Plenty free anti virus programmes,try
You can download free antivirus, like Avast. If you have Windows, it comes with firewall protection of some kind. Check the control panel and "security" settings, maybe the switch is turned off.
A lot of them, AVG, Macffee, a lot.

Just google it you will find a lot!

Best Free Anti-Virus Software Updated November 28, 2007

If you are looking for the best possible protection my top recommendation is Avira AntiVir Personal Edition Classic [1]. Although its detection rate is outstanding there are some reservations. First it lacks email scanning; this is only available in the paid version. That means that AntiVir won't warn you about any infected emails before you open them. However should you open an infected email then AntiVir will still spring into action, so not having an email scanner doesn't mean you are not protected from email based infections. My second reservation is that AntiVir is quite an intrusive product - you will certainly be well aware of its presence. Finally AntiVir Personal Edition Classic has a time limited license. It is renewable but be aware you will have to periodically go through the hoops.

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