Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mobile Phone Protection?

Where can I download for free a mobile anti-virus. my phone is Sonny Ericsson K750i

Mobile Phone Protection?virus protection

You cannot. The Sony Ericsson K750i is not a Symbian phone - it runs a proprietary operating system. There are neither viruses, nor anti-virus programs for it.

Besides, even if it were a Symbian phone, the good general-purpose anti-virus programs for such phones are not free; you can find only free utilities for removing some particular virus (usually Cabir or CommWarrior).

Mobile Phone Protection?agv

i dont think phones can get virus's. they have firmware.

i have a k750i mobile phone

when it works bad i reset it and after that it work well

but it doesnt have antivirus.

You don't need an anti virus for your phone since it doesn't run on a Symbian OS

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