Saturday, August 15, 2009

Computer security with old firewall ?

I had my computer crash and when i installed windows xp durring that time i left a firewall on with maybe a couple exceptions but i didnt get the service pack 2 untill maybe a month later so i havent used a new firewall and i didnt use

any anti spyware software all i used was avg anti virus free edition and i know i downloaded many programs with spyware and stuff even i think a malware and the only security

i might have had is the fact that my computer is connected

through a wireless router which has a built in firewall and

also another ethernet router and a modem which im pretty sure

have built in firewalls do you think that durring that time my computer was protected enough or not ?

and i got a syware remover and i found like a shitload of tracking cookies and spyware that is labeled hi risk , at least

6 in the registry.

the problem is i typed many passwords and a credit card #

durring this time i didnt have the good protection and now im paranoid.

Computer security with old firewall ?spyware remove

well that is what comes from using Microsoft's software it is a pile of old cobblers when it comes to security and stability even if you did have a firewall on it is so shoddy you'll get malware piled high if you want to be safe when you have your computer connected to the internet then do yourself a favour and upgrade to linux you won't get one single Microsoft virus change all your passwords and your credit card to be safe

Computer security with old firewall ?virus protection


You should use "NoAdware".It's very effective.I don't have anymore problems with spyware,pop-up,Trojan or viruses.Now, you can download and try for FREE.Check it out here:

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