Monday, August 17, 2009

Firewall issue ?

I had already installed BitDefender Pro Anti-Virus/including firewall seems good, Do I need to Install ZoneAlarm for better protection.

Any good Suggestion pls ?

Firewall issue ?malware

Dont Install two firewalls at a time it will cause problems. Install firewall which gives better protection for your system.

Firewall issue ?norton 360

Two Firewalls up at the same time may conflict, this will slow down your computer A LOT, and cause many problems.

If its a free trial, unless your really planning on buying it, don't use it...

BitDefender, seems to detect tons of False Positives, which is sort of a good thing because you know its working correctly if it is :).
you should only have one fire wall running at any given time. zonealarm is a good one cause you have to set permissions on out going traffic as well
If you buy BitDefender Pro Anti-Virus/including firewall then you only need some anti-adware/spyware/malware programs to.

If you want free programs you have some here:

Here are some free programs.

BitDefender Anti-Virus Free.

Avast Anti-Virus Free.

AVG Anti-Virus Free.

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