Monday, August 17, 2009

I have sbc online protection but still getting viruses and pop ups?

pop up blocker on but i still get pop ups on my windows screen and when i run anti spyware i get like 100+ things that say downloader.somthing everytime i run it. I delete and run scan again and they show up again.

I have sbc online protection but still getting viruses and pop ups?ariel

I have the same and it doesnt do a great I use these in conjuntion with it and have very little trouble since. spybot search %26 destroy -add aware se personal- the best of the freebies in my opion-and spyware doctor but this one will cost you $30 a year after 1 month trial but does a great job. these all will run with out any conflick with anti virus.good make sure you keep them all updated .

I have sbc online protection but still getting viruses and pop ups?computers

Often antivirus (AV) software has a feature to update the virus definitions. If your AV software has this feature then use it and use it regularly.

If not then update your AV software with a newer version, or get a different AV software package.

Some AV vendors like Grisoft ( offer free AV software when used for personal usage.
you must have your antivirus %26 antispyware up to date. windows also. disable windows-restore, this will delete all the restore points (no sense to make a new restore point because your machine is already infected). if you like you can turn on windows-restore later. do a virus %26 spyware-scan, if you still can't get rid of those pop-ups you have only 2 choices:

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