Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Please Help Me!?

How do I deactivate safe mode on my computer? All I tried to do yesterday was download some AOL protection for my computer, and it froze, forcing me to perform an improper shut down. When I cut it back on, the computer didn't give me any other options except to cut it on safe mode, which is blocking my programs and everything is twice the size of what it should be. Whenever I do a proper shut down, and I cut my computer back on, it gets frozen on the Windows XP screen, and I have had to do many improper shut downs because of this. My computer has no viruses, I scan for threats everyday, and I have Yahoo! Anti Spy E-Mail protection whic is up to date. Please help me, and don't tell me to get it checked out by a proffesional, because I called the Dell company, and they told me to do a factory reset, which could cause me to lose all of my data. Thank you for all of your help!

Please Help Me!?house call

Go back into safe mode and REMOVE anything you just installed from AOL.

Please Help Me!?matchless

Try doing a system restore to last week... don't do a factory reset, try the system restore, which is an option in your accessories menu.. set it to go to a day before you downloaded this AOL protection stuff... let it go through the appropriate things, hopefully that should work... good luck
NA is right
Use a Windows XP repair disc.
First reboot ur computer and then before the first screen gets flashed press the following keys.

1.Press F8 if nothing happens then

2. press F10 If then also nothin Happens

keep tryin for F11 , F12

until a screen gets flashed havin an option of starting ur computer in normal mode
Get rid of AOL! Our computer did the same thing til we got rid of AOL. They suck. AOL will keep the settings on your computer the way THEY want them, not the way you want them to be. On ours, we found out that AOL had put a code in it to keep us from getting any other service besides them.

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